Submitted by andre on

Today is Humboldt Squid day. I just got a copy of "Duikmagazine", the best diving magazine that we have here in the Netherlands. The magazine features an eight page story about Humboldt Squids that I made last September. That trip brought us far into the Sea of Cortez. I was on a live aboard expedition with the goal to find these enormous Red Giants. It took a lot of time before we finally found the animals, but at least we found them. Duikmagazine has used one of my Humboldt Squid images for the cover.

It was a dream for years to see the Red Devils. This was mainly triggered by a giant Architeuthis sanctipauli squid that I saw in Papua New Guinea. The Architeuthis squids can really grow big, up to 15 meters. The animals was brought to the resort by a fisher man in his canoe. He probably found the animal when it was floating dead on the surface. It took me some time to find out how and where I could find large squids. Nobody knows how dangerous it is to see Architeuthis straight into the eyes; it is only filmed by one Japanese Cru. Finding Humboldt Squids looked easier and less dangerous, although you can find some films on Discovery Channel where they state that Humboldt are dangerous too. I am here and still alive and I strongly doubt if the squids are as dangerous as they clamed, but I can confirm that they are carnivorous!

I was also surprised to get a sample of Dive New Zealand on the same day as Duikmagazine was delivered. They are running my story about the Humboldt Squids as well. I love it to see how different magazines in different countries format the same article. I personally think that both magazines did a great job and I am very pleased with the result.


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